We helped you choose your wallet to present to your boyfriend yesterday as well. 

 Since there are quite a few candidates, I suffer from trouble, I have narrowed down to one, but I have purchased, but I still have trouble because there are many product candidates. 

 First of all, is it a short wallet or a long wallet?

 Next it is functional And concrete style.

 Is it simple, smart type, or traditional style? 

 Of that, I got a present for the first time, so I chose a traditional style. 

 The color is black. 

It seems to be the theme color of the boyfriend ,,, Enviable.

REDMOON Trading Post

REDMOONのコンセプトは" 進化するベーシック "そのコンセプトは様々なライフスタイルに合うレザーコレクションを提案する事です。 NEOLATINE Co.Ltd.が運営する、直営店舗の名称がREDMOON Trading Postといい通称RMTPと呼ばれています。Made by craftsmen, leather wallet leather bag,Brand is REDMOON


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